Ketamine IV and intramusclar VS. Lozenges

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While intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration are the most common ways to administer ketamine, there is another method that is becoming increasingly popular - the use of lozenges.

Ketamine is a medication that has gained increasing popularity in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits in treating a range of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It is an anesthetic drug that has been used in medicine for decades, but in recent years has been repurposed as a treatment for mental health disorders. While intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration are the most common ways to administer ketamine, there is another method that is becoming increasingly popular - the use of lozenges.

In this article, we will explore the differences between ketamine administered via a lozenge versus IV or IM.

Ketamine via IV or IM

IV or IM administration of ketamine is the most commonly used method in medical settings. With IV administration, the ketamine is delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein. With IM administration, the ketamine is injected into the muscle. Both methods have a rapid onset of action, with the effects being felt within minutes of administration. The effects of ketamine typically last for around 45 minutes to an hour.

One of the main benefits of IV or IM administration is the precise dosing that can be achieved. The exact amount of ketamine that is being delivered can be carefully controlled, making it easier to adjust the dose according to the patient's needs. Additionally, IV or IM administration is typically performed under medical supervision, ensuring that the patient's vital signs are monitored and any adverse reactions can be treated promptly.

However, IV or IM administration can also have some drawbacks. It can be invasive and uncomfortable for patients, requiring needles and injections. It may also require a medical professional to administer the medication, which can be inconvenient and expensive.

Ketamine via Lozenge

Ketamine lozenges, also known as troches, are a newer method of administration that is becoming increasingly popular in mental health settings. The lozenges are placed under the tongue and dissolve slowly, allowing the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The effects of the medication typically begin within 20-30 minutes and can last for several hours.

One of the main benefits of ketamine lozenges is the ease of administration. They can be self-administered at home, which can be more convenient for patients. Additionally, because they do not require needles or injections, they may be less invasive and more comfortable for patients.

However, there are some drawbacks to ketamine lozenges. The dosing can be less precise than with IV or IM administration, as the amount of medication absorbed can vary depending on factors such as saliva production and swallowing. This can make it more difficult to adjust the dose to meet the patient's needs. Additionally, because the lozenges are self-administered, there is a greater potential for misuse or abuse.


In conclusion, ketamine administered via a lozenge differs from IV or IM administration in several ways. IV or IM administration allows for more precise dosing and is typically performed under medical supervision, but can be invasive and uncomfortable for patients. Ketamine lozenges are easier to administer and may be more comfortable for patients, but dosing can be less precise and there is a greater potential for misuse or abuse. Ultimately, the method of administration chosen will depend on the patient's individual needs and preferences, and should be determined in consultation with a medical professional.